Codemart science developers were invited to attend the prestigious Human Brain Project Summit & Open Days in Athens, presenting our work for the Brain Simulation Section of Charité University Medicine Berlin and the Institute de Neurosciences des Systèmes of Aix-Marseille Université.
The Human Brain Project (HBP) is entering its last phase of funding as a FET Flagship project, one of the largest research initiatives ever with a budget of 1 Billion €.
The Athens summit marks the start of a transition of all HBP results, findings, data and software tools to the new EBRAINS platform.
Our Codemart science team has been responsible for the software architecture and development of the highly acclaimed The Virtual Brain simulation platform since 2011, now reaching the milestone of over 25,000 downloads.
Over the last two years, we significantly extended our contributions to the international neuroscience community:
Active clinical research
We're very proud that our software is used to help people in need: at many hospitals and institutions around the world, clinicians and researchers have been using The Virtual Brain to advance knowledge and therapy for the most critical brain diseases:
Identification of virtual brain model parameters reflecting cognitive impairments of MCI and AD patients to explore options for functional reversal
Large-scale clinical trial (400 patients with drug-resistant epilepsy in 13 hospitals) to guide therapeuticstrategies and improve surgical prognosis
Deducing biomarkers from virtual brain parameter changes to predict recovery in patients with stroke
Individual brain modeling for patients undergoing brain tumor resection to assist pre-surgical planning and predict post-operative brain dynamics